

时间:2022-11-08 12:57:42 | 来源:语文通



中国哲学简史读后感 篇1《中国哲学简史》读后感 篇2《中国哲学简史》读后感 篇3中国哲学简史读后感 篇4

中国哲学简史读后感 篇1


The word philosophy seems very abstruse, but after I read Feng Youlan's Brief History of Chinese Philosophy again, I gradually understood the original vague concepts or views. Philosophy and thought are related, both of which are related to human thinking, derived from and rich in each other, but they are not the same:


1. Philosophy is a science of thinking and belongs to the academic field; And thought is a kind of consciousness in human mind, belonging to behavior. Therefore, there is thought before philosophy.


2. They also cover different areas. Philosophers are concerned with truth and logic, while thinkers are concerned with society, philosophy, human relations, morality and other aspects.


3. Gather people with the same (at least similar) ideas together, find their common ideological characteristics, and then form an academic, such as Confucianism, Mohism, etc., called Chinese philosophy.


4. More popularly, philosophers are generally thinkers, but thinkers are not necessarily philosophers.


The essence of philosophy is also related to thought. Take a sentence in the book as an example: "As far as I am concerned, philosophy is a reflection on the life system", which means that philosophy is the thought of thought from a certain angle.


It is precisely because thought contains philosophy that philosophers can have different ways of expressing their own characteristics. This is also mentioned in the third point of the first chapter of the book. There are metaphors, aphorisms and examples to express ideas. Whether expressed or implied, philosophers are all trying to explain the truth in their own ways and spread their ideas to future generations for them to think about.

《中国哲学简史》读后感 篇2


In winter vacation, I repeatedly and seriously studied the Brief History of Chinese Philosophy, and always felt vaguely understood. Although I was trying to read it, I still felt that it was very difficult to read it. After reading the thoughts of ancient philosophers in the book, there is a feeling that is both familiar and strange.


Now I would like to share with you my understanding of philosophy after reading this book. Through reading this book, I know that people often say that philosophy is the knowledge that makes people smart and intelligent, which is the biggest mistake in learning philosophy. Because people who have not studied philosophy are not necessarily not smart, and people who have studied philosophy are not necessarily smart. In fact, philosophy is to let people know that they have no wisdom, so they can pursue and love wisdom. The so-called wisdom of philosophy is the kind of wisdom that knows that you have no wisdom. Philosophers never study philosophical problems to improve intelligence, but to philosophy itself. In other words, wisdom is not a means but a target. We can never possess wisdom. At most, we can only love and pursue "wisdom". As stated in the book, according to the tradition of Chinese philosophy, the task of philosophy is not to increase people's positive knowledge of objective reality, but to improve people's minds. Specifically, knowledge or scientific knowledge is a tool and means for us to understand the world and transform the world. They are usually utilitarian or useful, while human beings pursue and love wisdom for no other purpose, but only for wisdom itself. I feel that people should live more intelligently under the guidance of philosophy; Under the guidance of traditional Chinese philosophy in this book, we should sharpen people's noble character, find people's noble humanity, and rebuild people's spiritual home. We may not care about the new progress of mathematics and physics, but we can directly use or enjoy their achievements, but we should not care about philosophy, because philosophy is not a tool and means of survival, but a goal and ideal of survival, which is a problem that everyone should be concerned about. Socrates once said that life without managerial prudence is not worth living. Although we have examined rationally, we may not be able to find the goal of life. Learning philosophy is "on the road". Set foot on the road of loving wisdom. The learning process of the history of philosophy is the process of dialogue with the predecessors in ideology. Because although philosophers are no longer here, the way philosophers solve problems will never be outdated. They provide a variety of possible ways for future generations to choose from.


Through reading, I also learned about some other philosophical thoughts of Mr. Feng Youlan, about the general development process of the Chinese nation's philosophical thoughts and cultural development, about the root of why Confucianism has become the national mainstream culture, and about the mutual influence and promotion between the ideas of various schools.


For example, Confucius praised "benevolence and justice". The essence of benevolence is to love others. One must have a heart of benevolence towards others. If people often think about this, they will be kind to the people around them. He will not shy away from farmers or workers who work hard and sweat; When he sees a beggar, he will naturally feel pity; When conflicts occur with others, be less contentious and more understanding. Confucius also said, "If you want to stand up, you can stand up. If you want to reach the goal, you can reach the goal. If you don't want to, don't do something to others." This is to put benevolence into practice. If everyone reaches this level, people will naturally do less evil and more good. Mencius said, "When we are old, we are old; when we are young, we are young." When we think about this, we naturally become more loving to our parents, children and relatives, and also naturally love others. If all people in the world have this intention, people and society will also develop in a harmonious direction. Mencius believed that "the people are the most important, the state is the second most important, and the monarch is the least important". Those who are officials understand this truth and understand the ethics, naturally they should do their best to promote the welfare of the people. When Confucius explained the ancient canon and thought, he always interpreted the ancient scriptures with his own understanding of morality and injected some new things into them. This is the difference between Confucius and other Confucian scholars at the same time, which makes him the founder of a school.


If this "benevolence and righteousness" is put into education and teaching, the first thing is to love students, which is also the people-oriented and humanistic education proposed in the new curriculum reform. Only by giving students humanistic care can they collide with students' hearts and create brilliant sparks, and education and teaching can have spirituality and life. Secondly, teachers should use their "benevolence and righteousness" to influence students imperceptibly, and pass on their "benevolence" quality to students, so as to pass it on from side to side.


On the other hand, if our modern teachers thousands of years later only understand the profession of teachers as the level of "preaching, imparting knowledge and solving doubts", it would be too complacent. The economic development, the changes of the times, and the development of social culture all the time cause accidents that urge us to constantly enrich and develop ourselves. Only through continuous innovation in combination with the reality can human culture develop faster.


Mr. Feng said that the function of philosophy is not to enhance positive 'knowledge (referring to information about objective things), but to improve people's minds, transcend the real world, and experience values higher than morality. Mr. Feng also said that people do not need to be religious, but they must be philosophical. When people are philosophical, they will get the highest blessing provided by religion.


Faced with the increasing pressure and rapid economic development of modern society, and the strong impact of expectations and reality, many of us can not find inner peace in fatigue and impatience. Mr. Feng said, "The function of education is to make people do what they have actually been doing to varying degrees completely. If a person can do what he understands completely, he is a saint." This seemingly low requirement embodies the idea of a gentleman's self-cultivation for thousands of years. What should be done is done completely. Even the most ordinary thing, doing "completely" is the best. There will be no regret or disappointment in our hearts. I think that at that time, there will be no difference between "good students" and "poor students" in our eyes.


In fact, philosophy is not an unattainable knowledge. In fact, it is deeply embedded in our daily life, and is closely related to our life. We just lack the theoretical thinking that they "surface" and "rise" to the height of philosophy. This may be the reason why I said at the beginning that the thoughts of philosophers have a feeling of familiarity and strangeness after reading?


Finally, in order to enable each of us to live more confidently and obtain a higher quality of life, we should all care about philosophy and research philosophy!

《中国哲学简史》读后感 篇3


After reading Feng Youlan's A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy, let me first talk about my understanding and feelings about this book, and then talk about my own view of reading.


I haven't read the history of Chinese philosophy written by others, but I learned from Chen Yinke's Lecture on Chinese Studies that Chen Yinke has a very high opinion of Feng Youlan's book, and thinks that it really displays the attitude of "understanding sympathy", and objectively and fairly looks at the philosophical views of China's past dynasties. Although there is no comparison, I can also feel that its attitude is objective and fair. It does not make too many personal judgments on various views, but uses simple, straightforward, clear and fluent language to explain the major philosophers, famous schools (Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Fa, Yin Yang, Buddhism, New Taoism, Zen, New Confucianism) and their main views in Chinese history. He does not exert any influence on the judgment of readers. His attitude is rigorous, his style is simple, and with the charm of concise language, he reads without any sense of oppression. After reading, anyone can choose his favorite school and identify with it, and then find relevant works to study. Whether as a researcher of the history of philosophy or as the author of the book, Master Feng's style is worthy of praise. It is no wonder that this book is the most classic in the history of philosophy.


Because the book is called "Brief History", there is no in-depth introduction to the views of various schools and the life of philosophers themselves. From the perspective of introduction alone, it can arouse people's interest. Before reading the book, I didn't know that Confucianism had received different attention and new interpretations in various dynasties, nor did I know that Zen was originally a combination of Buddhism and Taoism. Lao Zhuang's theory is grand but obscure. Commenting to Guo, he explained Lao Zhuang's philosophy very cleverly and progressive, which made me want to explore it in depth. The reason why Taoism came into being was that after Buddhism entered China, it triggered the public's anger at the lack of national religion. There is a great difference between Neo Confucianism and Pre Qin Confucianism, and there are different opinions on which is more advanced. The Chinese are not without the resistance to feudal ethics and the pursuit of personal independence. The "romantic" stories of the famous people in the Wei and Jin Dynasties have been shining in the long history - but it may also be because of lack that they are valuable.


Master Feng said that philosophy is a subject of systematic reflection on life. I may be a late bloomer in this field. Until my late thirties, I found that I gradually began to selectively believe and practice the views of some philosophical schools. In this process, I clarified my outlook on life, world outlook and values - mainly Western objectivism and liberalism. In the process of my reading, I understood the inevitable weaknesses of all the views I saw in the literature and philosophy books due to the limitations of the historical environment, and would choose to praise or criticize them from the perspective of modern society. In reality, everyone I meet has different views from me, because everyone has their own choice and return. I will understand this difference. I will not ask everyone to do so based on the truth I believe in, but I will also relentlessly criticize the concepts that are obviously backward and stupid.


This is my current view of reading and doing things. Instead of being completely correct, we should use our independent rational cognition to practice our own ideas and complete our most important task in life - to be ourselves.

中国哲学简史读后感 篇4


A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy is a famous Chinese philosophical work that enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad and has world influence. It is based on the speech of a generation of philosopher Feng Youlan in the United States, which is widely spread in many countries around the world. It connects the development of Chinese philosophy with time as a clue. Through the examination of Chinese philosophy, readers can realize the significance of Chinese culture in today's society. It can be regarded as a cultural classic that can affect people's life.


Before reading this book, to be honest, the author's understanding of Chinese philosophy is only at a very superficial level. However, after reading Feng Youlan's Brief History of Chinese Philosophy, the author has a new understanding of Chinese philosophy. The knowledge of philosophy is no longer fragmentary, but systematic. Here are some sentences extracted from the reading process and my understanding as my harvest.

著者在第四章中提到“对于《六经》,孔子既不是著者,也不是注者,甚至不是编者。”由此,著者进一步得出一个推论 ,那就是“孔子只是一位私人教师,而不是一位私人著作家。”看到这里,笔者想到了之前的“孔子热”现象。社会曾经大肆炒作与孔子相关的种种事物,然而炒作的背后,又有多少人真正理解孔子,理解孔子的思想呢?在这里,笔者不是想否认孔子在我国文化、历史上的重要地位。但笔者觉得,对孔子的盲目炒作,只会造成孔子形象的虚高,以至于最后,人们凡是遇到与文化相关的东西就把孔子抬出来,这未免有点不伦不类。

The author mentioned in the fourth chapter that "Confucius is neither the author, nor the commentator, nor even the editor of the Six Classics." From this, the author further concluded that "Confucius was just a private teacher, not a private writer." Seeing this, the author thinks of the "Confucius craze" phenomenon before. The society used to hype all kinds of things related to Confucius, but behind the hype, how many people really understand Confucius and his thoughts? Here, the author does not want to deny the important position of Confucius in China's culture and history. However, the author believes that the blind hype of Confucius will only lead to the false image of Confucius, so that in the end, people will lift Confucius out whenever they encounter something related to culture, which is somewhat nondescript.


The author mentioned in Chapter 9 that "the meaning of 'inaction' is not to do nothing at all, but to do less, and not to do it arbitrarily against nature." This reminds me of a concept I saw in the political textbook before, namely, the concept of "service-oriented government, limited government". This concept means that the government should act within the scope of its responsibilities, do not overstep the boundaries, and try its best to serve the people. However, in the current society, some government personnel abuse their power and collude with officials and businessmen. They are not "doing nothing", but "doing everything", which is exactly criticized in philosophy. Lao Tzu once said, "There is no greater evil than discontent, and no greater blame than desire." If corruption and corruption continue, the consequences will be unimaginable. How to regulate the government's work and let the government "govern by doing nothing" is a topic we should be concerned about.


Chapter 15 of the book is mainly around the Yi Zhuan. This chapter is very interesting. It is all about theories such as divination. I have only heard the most famous saying "Yi has Tai Chi, which is the birth of Liangyi, the birth of four elephants, and the birth of eight trigrams" before, but I do not have a deep understanding of it. After reading this time, although I still have a half understanding of the 64 trigrams and other contents mentioned in it, what impressed me most is the theory of harmony in the New Confucian metaphysics. The new Confucianism advocates "neutralization". "Medium" refers to the reconciliation of food that will cause confusion and discord if it is not handled properly, and the role of "medium" is to achieve "harmony". The "harmony" here is exactly the harmony that we are most familiar with. It can be seen that, on the one hand, the idea of "harmony" has a long history and has long existed in Chinese history; On the other hand, the wisdom of the ancients can also be seen. They put forward the beautiful blueprint of such an ideal society thousands of years ago, and this is still a goal that mankind has been pursuing until now.


Finally, the author mentioned in Chapter 27 that "the development of Chinese nationalism has always been focused on culture, not politics." This reminds me of the "cake cutting" phenomenon that has been making a lot of noise recently. Behind a piece of "cut cake" is an obvious act of forced buying and selling, which obviously violates the laws and regulations of today's society. However, law enforcement personnel rarely manage, which will eventually lead to subsequent disputes. Perhaps law enforcement officials believe that the people of Xinjiang are ethnic minorities and should be taken care of. However, the author believes that the equality of all ethnic groups we advocate should be ideological, cultural and legislative, and the political color of equality should not be overemphasized. Blind and excessive policy inclination can only be political and distorted nationalism. Otherwise, the dignity of the law will be damaged and the rights and interests of other nationalities will be violated. In this way, why should all ethnic groups be equal?


After the harvest, I also have some doubts. I would like to share with you here to discuss: First of all, Chinese philosophy is so extensive and profound, but why are fewer and fewer people paying attention to it in the current society? Most people would rather learn western philosophy than understand Chinese philosophy. Is it true that Chinese philosophy is inferior to western philosophy? According to this reading, this is not necessarily the case. So what is the problem?


Secondly, Chinese philosophy actually contains a lot of wisdom in dealing with people and even governing the country. How can we use it to provide wisdom for our social development as a social science? Where does Chinese philosophy fit in with today's social development?


It is not easy to figure out the above problems in a moment. I hope that in the near future, Chinese philosophy will receive due attention and development, and leave a brilliant wealth in human history again.

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