

时间:2022-10-28 13:07:20 | 来源:语文通



感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇1感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇2感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇3感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇4感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇5感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇6感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇7

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇1


Dear students and judges


hello everyone!


Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful for the sky, because the sky allows it to fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering.


Who has endowed us with spiritual food over the years? Who diligently watered, nurtured and cared for small seedlings to make us flourish and flourish? Who prepares our lessons day and night, day and night, and prepares colorful music in the classroom? The answer is clear, that is, the most beloved teacher.


Yeah! Teachers are "engineers of the human soul", "gardeners", "spring silkworms", and "candles". They silently offer for us, "come with a heart and take no grass". Even so, they will not hesitate. Whether primary school teachers or middle school teachers, we are infected by the teachers' personality charm, noble quality and strict teaching spirit.


When I entered the school gate with a scared heart, it was your sunny smile that comforted me, teacher. You have brought me into the school, the colorful campus and the palace of learning.

当我们成功的时候,老师会激励我勇往直前,并告诉我们"满招损,谦受益"的道理;当我失意的时候,老师会像慈母一样来关爱我,照亮我前进的航程,让我们看到 https://www.d8qu.com/ 光明,从跌倒的地方再次爬起来,继续走下去。

When we succeed, the teacher will encourage me to go forward bravely, and tell us the truth that "full rewards, modest benefits"; When I am frustrated, the teacher will love me like a mother and light up my journey. Let's see HTTPS://WWW.D8QU COM/Bright, get up again from where you fell and continue to walk.


When I face a difficult problem with a confused heart, teacher, it is you who patiently and meticulously explain the idea of solving the problem to me. You have brought my confused and blocked heart into the problem, into the way of solving the problem by drawing inferences from one instance, and into the interesting mathematical world.


When I face my mistakes with shame, teacher, it is you who taught me the truth of being a man. You have brought my young and ignorant mind into the correct truth, into my belief that I should face mistakes correctly in the future, and into the right life from mistakes.


Teacher, you are a never rusting planter, sowing the seeds of sincerity and hope in our hearts; You are a kind mother and a strict father, who have nurtured us diligently and moistened our dry hearts with love; Your Chunchun teachings trim the redundant branches and leaves for us. Teacher, we are young eagles. After your nurturing, we have taken off.


Thank you, teacher, for making us confident and able to surpass ourselves. You prove to us with facts that learning is not a burden, but a pleasure and responsibility, a key to our future world. You taught us to explore, find and discover with our own minds and hands. Let us roam in the ocean of knowledge to our heart's content, and make the colorful life full of surprises!


Thank you, teacher, for letting us know that we can learn from failures, overcome obstacles in difficulties, and find light in darkness. You give us the courage to use our brains, and at the same time, you ask us to be open-minded. You put beauty in our hearts and gave us lessons, insights and imagination. Perhaps every detail of your lectures will be forgotten by us as time goes by, but your enthusiasm, courage and love will always remain in our hearts, leaving us unforgettable.


Thank you, teacher, for letting us know that life can be as light as a piece of paper, as deep as the sea, as vast as the sky, and we must make our own choices. Every problem and discovery that you have led us through, let us see the flashing of wisdom in the ocean of knowledge.


Dear teacher, your teachings are like spring breeze and rain. It moistens our hearts. Thank you for your plump wings. We are small boats. After your warning, we have set sail; Thank you for setting sail for us.


The wind blows down a fallen leaf, bearing the same words in the hearts of our students: Thank you, teacher.

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇2


Dear leaders, teachers and students


Good afternoon, everyone.


1、 Grateful, ethical and ethical


Gratitude is the greatest wisdom of life; Gratitude is a great virtue of human nature. With gratitude, we can feel the happiness of our family and life all the time. In the world of gratitude, we will always remind ourselves that a drop of grace should be rewarded by the spring!


If you are a distressed person, you should learn to be grateful, because gratitude is a good prescription to get rid of your troubles; If you are a person who is discouraged from life, you should learn to be grateful, because when you are grateful, your body and mind will be warm; If you are a depressed and frustrated person, you should learn to be grateful, because gratitude will make you feel comfortable and peaceful gradually; If you are a person who is overwhelmed by life, you should learn to be grateful, because gratitude will gradually release your burden and relax your body and mind; If you are a person who only cares about getting, you should learn to be grateful, because gratitude will make you able to give appropriately; If you are a happy person, you should also learn to be grateful, so that your happiness will be inexhaustible


If you are grateful to others, you will get gratitude from others, so you will get two good moods. To learn to be grateful is to learn to be grateful and loving forever.


2、 Constantly strive for success


Difficulties give birth to great character, and pressure condenses the indestructible spirit. As a contemporary college student who carries the future and yearns for tomorrow, we should uphold the precious spirit of the Chinese nation's self-improvement, and write a qualified youth answer sheet with indomitable will and practical action.


In the course of life, only constant efforts, struggle and pursuit can realize the value of life and understand the true meaning of life. The more setbacks, the more courage. In the face of difficulties and setbacks, we should always firmly believe that:


Difficulties and setbacks are temporary. Always set up the will to win in your heart, always set up an open-minded feeling in your heart, and always strive to make progress.


Based on the major, extensive study. Arm yourself with scientific knowledge, enrich yourself with excellent quality, and serve the motherland and society with practical actions.


3、 Be responsible and honest


No one can stand without faith. We should be honest in our daily study and life. Take action, let us be the masters of integrity, be honest to ourselves, be honest to others, be responsible for ourselves and others.


Of course, we can do more than that. We just want to awaken everyone's love, kindness and social responsibility in this way. Let's take action to carry out the virtue of "gratitude, self-improvement and responsibility" to the end!


Gratitude makes life better communicate all things in the universe, makes life feel equal, and makes life transform all adverse factors. Because gratitude is not only grateful for helping our lives, but also grateful for the selflessness that has hurt our lives. Gratitude hurts our lives, so that we can experience the pain of injury, so that we will not hurt any living beings, but also warm up the living beings who love the universe, Thankfully loving our lives makes us feel love, and at the same time we know how to love and love others. Thankfully grass makes us feel alive, grateful sunshine makes us feel bright, grateful rain makes us feel moist, grateful sea makes us feel broad, grateful mountain makes us feel lofty, grateful trickle makes us know how to accumulate, grateful safflower makes us feel brilliant, grateful sunrise makes us feel power and surprise, Gratitude sunset makes us realize the state of existence and the law of operation, where there is rise, there is fall, where there is high, there is low. Gratitude universe makes us show wisdom, gratitude nature makes us bathe in freedom, gratitude makes us understand how to feel, and more understand that life growth comes from various supports, from the mutual foil and traction between all things, mutual integration, mutual consensus and mutual benefit.

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇3


Dear students and judges


hello everyone! The topic of my speech is "Gratitude, Learning and Growth"


For a long time, I have thought about such a proposition: Is reading useful? Do I want to read or not? When I was confused, I tried to escape from my family and class. Those days of wasting time and the cruel experience of playing truant made many people regard me as a rebellious girl. In fact, I was just tired on the way to school and chose to be a deserter.


The short hesitation has ended. I'm back in class again. The head teacher asked me: "You calm down to listen to the voice of your heart and tell me what you really need?" I answered without hesitation: "It takes time, learning and growth." Yes, I need to grow. Zhang Xiaofeng once said, "Youth is so beautiful that no matter how you spend it, it is a waste." So beautiful youth really can't be wasted. I want to spend my youth wonderfully, concretely and vividly. Boys and girls, it is my responsibility and our right choice to make youth beautiful.


Let's take a serious look at ourselves. What do we need? In the youth that everyone has only once. We have a young and vigorous face, but do we have a vigorous and upward force? We have beautiful dreams, but do we have down-to-earth actions? We have family and friendship. Do we know how to cherish and be grateful? Dear all ninth graders, cherish what you have, learn to be grateful, and learn to grow.


Someone said, "A man is either his best friend or his worst enemy." Thought guides behavior, and behavior makes the future. Out of the rebellious period, I clearly know what I need. I need to be a sunny girl with love and pursuit. Love always permeates our world. It lets us get out of the haze and move towards warmth. When we were sad, we were all comforted by our teachers, family members and friends. We have been guided and admonished by teachers, friends and family members when we were lost. Thanks for those warm help, let my heart become bright sunshine. Thanks for those selfless efforts, let me know the true meaning of life. A man's greatest enemy is himself. Boys and girls, let's defeat the cowardly and inferiority complex and shape a progressive and confident me. I want to do it, I'm doing it, you want to do it, you do it.


After class, I walked behind everyone, closed the window and closed the door. The teacher said, "You have grown up." I have been doing my homework in the classroom all day. The students said, "You have changed." Yes, I am learning and growing up. It turns out that growing up is such a beautiful thing. What made me grow up?


One is the power from my heart. I think I must become a confident and sunny girl. On the way of growth, I would like to thank those who cherish me, who let me know how to cherish the youth of life only once. Thank those who despise me, he let me regain my self-respect.


Second, the power of family and friendship. Thanks for those smiles, tolerance, let me sublimate. Thanks to those sincere help, he helped me get out of the mud and become mature.


Dear teacher, mother, my classmates and friends: Thank you.


Dear teachers, mothers and classmates, at the end of the speech, I once again made a affectionate proposal: Let's be grateful, learn and grow.

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇4


Dear students


hello everyone! Today, I want to talk with you about gratitude. I believe many students still don't know what gratitude is!


The fallen leaves hover in the air, forming a grateful movement, which is the tree's gratitude to the earth that nourishes it; The white clouds floating in the blue sky depict a moving picture, which is the gratitude of the white clouds to the blue sky that nurtures them. This colorful society comes from gratitude. Sincere friendship comes from gratitude, which enables us to understand the true meaning of life.


Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "A drop of kindness should be rewarded." What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for us is not just a drop of water, but a sea. Would you send your parents a cup of warm tea when they are tired, a home-made greeting card on their birthday, and a word of comfort when they are lost? They have paid a lot of efforts and energy for us.


Gratitude is respect. As a famous scientist, Madame Curie won the Nobel Prize twice, but she met her teacher at the meeting and handed her a bunch of flowers. Since ancient times, all great people have a heart of gratitude. Gratitude does not need to be earth shaking, just a greeting, a call, and a little return.


Look at all the people around with a grateful heart. Be grateful to those who hurt you. They have tempered your will. Be grateful to those who encourage you. They make you confident. Be grateful to those who give you knowledge, they light up your way forward. Be grateful to those who support you. They are the people who give you enough food and clothes. Be grateful to those who have helped you. They have given you the hope of rebirth. Be grateful to those who laugh at you. They stimulate your self-esteem. Learn to be grateful, and you will find how happy you are. Put your heart down and let the clean rain wash away the pollution in your heart.

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇5


Dear students and judges


hello everyone!


Today, our school organized a speech on thanksgiving and motivational education. This educational activity has deepened our feelings with our parents, let us know the good and bad fortune that our teachers taught us, the expectations of our parents and teachers, and let us understand that we can only repay our parents if we learn well.


Taking part in this activity made me realize that I was not good in the past, which caused deep hurt to my parents and teachers. During this activity, many parents cried. As parents, they also remembered the scenes when their parents were worried about them and were hurt by them again and again. Now they have also become parents. Seeing their children growing up day by day, they will feel sad because their children are disobedient. When I saw this scene, my heart was trembling. Our parents were also working hard to earn money for life and for us. Some of them had not come back to accompany their children for a long time. But we hurt our parents again and again, disobedient, capricious, and spending money indiscriminately. We never thought of the difficulties when our parents made money. I feel sorry for my mother. I have been worrying about me since I was a child. Sometimes I talk back to my mother and don't listen to her. I am really a bad boy. I also regret that this activity has helped me a lot. I know how to understand my mother's heart and my teacher's pains. I will study hard in the future to let my teachers and parents stop worrying about me and be a good child.

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students


Gratitude is more like the thankless flowers in life. Because of gratitude, our life becomes colorful.


"Life is a mirror. When you smile at it, it also smiles at you. When you cry at it, it also cries at you." In this materialistic world, only a person with a grateful heart can appreciate the happiness and fun of life. Learning to be grateful means learning to live. With a grateful heart, you will be respected and trusted by others, and help you to seek hope in adversity and happiness in pessimism. Only those who know how to be grateful will continue to receive help and support from others in their future study and life, so that they can successfully overcome every difficulty, help themselves realize their dreams and achieve their own career!


Gratitude people are people who are full of happiness. They know how to pass on other people's favors and help to people in need. In passing on the baton of "gratitude", they also enjoy the beauty of life. A good life begins with gratitude!


This is a simple and unadorned "textbook" for thanksgiving education. Gratitude for China has a strong spiritual shock. A grateful heart is a seed of peace. It can not only produce sweet fruits, but also spread happiness and hope; A grateful heart is just a bunch of warm sunshine, which can not only light up the way forward for others, but also contain the vicissitudes of one's own heart


Gratitude is a kind of recognition, a kind of return, a kind of life attitude and philosophy, and a great wisdom in life. Gratitude can purify the soul, clean up all the dust in the world, and make people feel peaceful and soft

感恩励志教育演讲稿 篇7


Teachers and students:


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is: Learn to be grateful.


Gratitude, in fact, is everywhere. The reason why I stand here is gratitude. Thank teachers and students for their support and love, thank the school for the opportunity, thank the cultivation, and thank myself for my efforts. Thanks for all this, I stand here today.


The mountain is so grateful that it becomes high; The sea gratitude creek is vast; The sky is grateful to the birds, which makes it magnificent. "Gratitude" is a sincere expression of gratitude for others' help, but gratitude is not limited to that. When a person often says "gratitude", his life will be less complain, more cherish; When a society often says "gratitude", its world is less controversial and more harmonious. Gratitude is a kind of life attitude: it is a kind of contentment, a kind of treasure, and a kind of progress.


Religion is the most respectful of gratitude. They thank God and the Lord. Of course, we are much more grateful than them. From the time the baby fell to the ground to the time when we grew up, how much effort and sweat did parents spend, and how many days and nights did they weave; From primary school to junior high school, and even university, how many teachers have devoted themselves to us, silently giving light and heat, burning themselves and lighting up others.


So we thank our parents for the life they gave us and for bringing us up; Thank the teachers, thank them for teaching us knowledge and leading us to be "capital people"; Thank our friends for making us feel the warmth of the world; Thank our opponents for making us keep forging ahead and working hard. And pass on the grateful heart like bright torches. Xiao Bernard has such an adage: "Life is not a short candle, but a torch we hold temporarily. We must burn it very brightly, and then give it to the next generation." Isn't this the embodiment of gratitude!


Thanks, let me know that "the heart of parents in the world is particularly expensive"; Thanks, let me know "the joy of bearing the knee to our ancestors"; Thanksgiving, let me appreciate the charm of the sun; Gratitude makes me understand what it is to be brave and brave, to be able to stand together through thick and thin; Thankfully, let me understand the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers... the blue sky


Thanksgiving is deep and sincere. I know so much thanks. I am moved because of love; Because I was moved and knew how to be grateful. Dear students, have you ever been so moved? If you have ever been moved by a smile, a look, a blessing, a word of encouragement, if you have ever been moved by a ray of sunshine, a green leaf, a dewdrop, a clear spring, if you have ever been moved by the milk sheep kneeling, the black birds feeding back, the red flowers protecting, the fallen leaves returning to their roots... Then let's close our hands, close our eyes, and pray to God sincerely. May all people learn to "be grateful"!


Let's pass on the sense of gratitude and believe that our future will be brighter and the world will become a better place.


This is the end of my speech today. Thank you!

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