

时间:2022-10-18 12:50:27 | 来源:语文通



关于西瓜的作文 篇1关于西瓜的作文 篇2描写西瓜的作文 篇3描写西瓜的作文 篇4有关西瓜的作文 篇5关于西瓜的作文 篇6西瓜的说明文 篇7关于西瓜的作文 篇8

关于西瓜的作文 篇1


"It looks green, red when cut, and black when spit out." Guess what? Yes, it's me, the famous watermelon in the fruit kingdom.


I have a cotton coat with black stripes and green bottom, and a thick and short braid on my head, which is said to be the stem of the plant that transports water and nutrients for me. There is an idiom called "melons are ripe and roots fall". In summer, as soon as I mature, the melon will naturally fall off. So the master can pick it up from the ground and go to the market! I also have a big, round belly. People say that "the belly of a prime minister can prop a boat", but my belly is much bigger than that of a prime minister!


Cut my belly. It's all red. Eh! What are these little black dots? Ah! So these are my little babies - seeds. These children all look like oval melon seeds, but they are small, black and white. The white ones are just born, and the black ones are grown up. In the future, they will grow up to be big watermelons like me!


Do you want to eat now? As long as you take a bite, your throat will feel cool and not dry as usual. If you take two bites, you will be like lying in a flower bed. It will be memorable??


In the kingdom, most watermelons are similar to me. However, with the development of science and technology, there are many strange members, such as yellow checked coat and yellow belly.


After listening to my introduction, have you drooled? Then take me home to taste! Composition on Watermelon (2)


Watermelon is my favorite fruit, but do you know the origin of this name? Watermelon originated in Africa and was later introduced to China via the Silk Road. Because it comes from the West, it is named "watermelon".


There are many kinds of watermelon shapes: some are like big football; Some are like small mines; Japanese horticulturists have also cultivated square hungry watermelons! The skin color of watermelon is dark green, light green, yellow green. The skin of the watermelon contains the tender flesh. The flesh of the watermelon also has several colors, including dark red, pink, yellow and white. The flesh of watermelon is also decorated with watermelon seeds like black pearls.


Watermelons are all treasures. It is rich in protein, malic acid, fructose, amino acids, carotene and other nutrients. Its skin, pulp, juice and seed can be used as medicine. Watermelon has the effects of sweet cooling, heat clearing, thirst quenching and diuresis.


As the saying goes, "Half a melon needs no medicine in summer.". In hot summer, () put the watermelon in the refrigerator and take it out later. As soon as you see the bright red and juicy flesh, you will immediately bite it. Don't mention how sweet it is! Anyway, as long as you take a bite, you can't wait to take the second and third bite?? If it is too late to vomit watermelon seeds, let them go into your stomach. Maybe there is a miracle. If you have watermelon in your stomach, you can enjoy it for free.

关于西瓜的作文 篇2


Today, the weather is unusually hot, and the hot sun is baking the earth like a big stove. My sister and I stayed at home and read. When we closed the doors and windows, we could feel the hot waves coming from the window. Both of us are like small meat buns in a hot pot. They are almost steamed.


At noon, my mother came back from work and basked like a red drunken shrimp. Mother was holding a round big watermelon in her hand. As soon as she entered the door, she shouted, "Hurry up! It's so hot! "She rinsed the watermelon and put it on the table. I looked at this guy. The light green skin had several dark green patterns on it, stretching from one end to the other. The thin melon root was like a pig's tail in a roll, and there was a small leaf on it. Mom said that this kind of watermelon was fresh. Mom wiped the knife clean, and looked at everything in the middle of the watermelon, only to hear a crisp sound. The watermelon split in two The voice seemed to say, "Don't cut me! Don't cut me! "Mom didn't care about the situation. She broke two halves of the watermelon into pieces and put them on a tray. There was a pool of pink juice on the table. The neatly stacked watermelons were very beautiful. The green peel like a small boat was holding the bright red flesh of the melon. The flesh was full of black melon seeds with big raindrops. A fragrance came to my nostrils and made my mouth water. I dragged the plate to my face and cried," I want to eat them all! "Sister said," Hum! Look who eats fast! "Mom waved her hand:" Stop fighting and eat! "We picked up the watermelon and ate it. In a twinkling of an eye, the watermelon on the table was wiped out by us, leaving a pile of bare melon skin and small melon seeds like black pearls. Looking at our round bellies, we were probably regarded as" melon eating "thieves!

描写西瓜的作文 篇3


My friends, do you know what food people eat most often in summer? Maybe you will say it is ice cream or watermelon. So today let's describe the watermelon!


The whole body of watermelon is green, one dark green, one light green, one dark green, one light green... This is a regular crisscross. Watermelon is a small watermelon seed planted in the fertile soil, watered and fertilized, rooted and germinated day by day, and finally grew into a watermelon vine, which then produced delicious and juicy watermelons.


The flesh of watermelon is generally red, which is the most wonderful. It tastes sweet and delicious in the mouth, especially cool, and tastes very good. It can relieve heat and quench thirst, and is a royal delicacy. Under the flesh of the melon, there is a thin layer of white things, you can not still! It is also very delicious if you cut it with a knife and fry it in a pot!


The flesh of watermelon is not only red, but also yellow. Only in the small watermelon in the supermarket, the yellow flesh is very delicious. It's even several times better than the red one!


In short, watermelon is an essential food in summer.

描写西瓜的作文 篇4


In summer, in addition to eating and drinking, there is another indispensable thing: eating fruit. Fruits include sweet grapes like big pearls; There are green dates. When you take a bite, the cold and piercing smell of winter is refreshing. But when it comes to watermelon, everyone knows it and loves it. What I recommend to you today is: watermelon!


Watermelon belongs to Cucurbitaceae, watermelon genus. It is the object of human love. Its flesh is crisp, tender and sweet. The juice contains a variety of vitamins. It is the main "little nurse" for relieving summer heat. It is also called summer melon and winter melon. It can be said that it is the king of melons.


Every summer, large and round watermelons mature in the field. It was dressed in a light and deep green robe, with green and emerald ripples, like a girl's dress. Its skin is very smooth, with a "pig tail" on its head. Its shape is oval, but some watermelons are really stubborn. If you want them to grow, they will not grow long, but they taste "sweet and delicious". The smaller watermelons are as big as volleyball. The larger watermelons weigh more than ten jin.


Watermelons should thank the "painter"! The painter painted them green, which made people feel fresh at first sight; The painter painted them yellow, which was the best choice for people to taste in the hot sun. If you want to buy watermelon, don't look at the two colors! Be sure to choose dark ink, which is more sweet; There are also those that are usually knocked empty, which means they are sweet; Generally speaking, the sound is loud, which means the juice is sweet!


There are many kinds of watermelons. There are watermelons called "Black Beauty"; There is a watermelon called "Qilin melon"; And the national watermelon brand "Jingxin"! Each brand of watermelon has its own style and tastes different. Watermelon is watermelon, is authentic!


Watermelon has many functions! You can make watermelon seeds by drying them in the sun. Watermelon seeds can be used as snacks after tea and meals; You can also squeeze the watermelon into juice to make delicious watermelon juice. When you are thirsty in summer, when you get heatstroke in summer, you can take a drink to keep your body cool forever!


I love this ordinary thing; Love is something that looks green, tastes red, and vomits black; It is essential for us human beings in summer!

有关西瓜的作文 篇5


When summer comes, hot weather always makes people feel sweaty. It's a good choice to hide in the shade and eat a watermelon to relieve the heat. Watermelon is my favorite fruit!

周末,妈妈带着我和乐乐弟弟准备去买一个大西瓜回家吃。从家出发不一会儿,就听见一阵叫卖声:“大西瓜喽——又香又甜的西瓜喽——便宜喽——”顺着叫卖声,我看见远处,一个农民伯伯,拉着一车 的西瓜,在强烈的太阳光下,卖力的叫卖着,满车的西瓜绿油油的,看着都想留口水。我们停车走上前去,妈妈对我说:“一丁,你长大了,也该学学买西瓜了,我教你买西瓜的窍门吧?”我高兴的说 :“好吧”。妈妈挑选了一个西瓜,对我说:“没成熟的西瓜,用手指弹时,发出清脆的声音,要是切开一看,白字白瓤的,一股生瓜味儿,一定很难吃。”妈妈把手中的西瓜放回车上,又挑选了一个 西瓜继续对我说:“成熟后的西瓜,用手拍拍,发出沉沉的 嘭嘭 声,一丁,你来听听??”我一听,果然跟刚才的西瓜声音有些不同,妈妈说:“这个西瓜一定好好吃,我们叫伯伯给我们切开看看 ,是不是跟刚才的西瓜一样的瓤儿?”农民伯伯用刀子在西瓜上划了一个三角形的口子,切开一看“哇——”我叫了起来,“黑子儿,红瓤带白沙!”还没吃到嘴里就闻见一股清凉甘甜的味道。真是感觉 妙极了!我忍不住,拿着三角西瓜啃了起来,果真是凉爽,甘甜啊——妈妈付了钱,我们一家三人,高高兴兴的抱着大西瓜回家准备享用了。

On the weekend, my mother took my brother Lele and me to buy a big watermelon to eat at home. A short time after leaving home, I heard a cry of "big watermelons -- fragrant and sweet watermelons -- cheap --" Following the cry, I saw a farmer uncle in the distance, pulling a cart of watermelons, in the strong sunlight, hawking hard. The full cart of watermelons was green and wanted to leave a saliva. When we stopped and walked forward, my mother said to me, "Yiding, you should learn how to buy watermelons when you grow up. Can I teach you how to buy watermelons?" I said happily, "OK.". My mother selected a watermelon and said to me: "When you flick the unripe watermelon with your fingers, it makes a crisp sound. If you cut it, it will taste like a raw melon." Mother put the watermelon in her hand back on the car, and chose another watermelon to continue to say to me: "When the watermelon is mature, clap it with your hands and make a heavy thump. Yiding, listen to it?" When I heard it, it was really different from the voice of the watermelon just now. My mother said, "This watermelon must be good to eat. We asked Uncle to cut it for us. Is it the same as the flesh of the watermelon just now?" The farmer uncle made a triangular cut on the watermelon with his knife and cut it open. "Wow!" I shouted, "black, red with white sand!" I can smell a cool and sweet taste before I eat it. It really feels wonderful! I couldn't help but chew the triangular watermelon. It was really cool and sweet. My mother paid for it, and three of us happily carried the big watermelon home to enjoy it.


Today is very hot, but our hearts are sweet. The experience of buying watermelons not only helped me cool down, but also helped me learn how to buy watermelons. What a meaningful day!

关于西瓜的作文 篇6


"Eat watermelon!" Grandma was shouting in the kitchen. After the holiday, I had watermelon to eat today, which made me happy.


Running into the kitchen, there was a big watermelon lying on the table, round and round, just like a fat boy. Its skin is green, with clear grain and distinct light, just like a fat boy wearing a green dress.


The temperature has been soaring in recent days, hitting a new record high. Everywhere is dry, hot and stuffy. The whole postal city is like a burnt out brick kiln, which makes people breathless. The cat curled up in the corner and did not move. The dog kept sticking out its red tongue on the ground. The peddlers did not dare to shout. The asphalt road was suntanned, and even the gold lettered signboard in front of the shop seemed to be suntanned. This weather, blowing air conditioning, eating watermelon, is not also happy?


Grandma took a very sharp fruit knife and cut it from the middle of the watermelon. Wow! The skin is as thin as paper, the flesh is as red as a pill, and a few seeds are dotted like stars in the vast sky. I couldn't wait to take a bite. The juice was as sweet as honey and sweet as spring. I swallowed it quickly. A stream of cool air rushed all over my body, and the pores on it opened one after another. The hot air immediately disappeared, and it was extremely cool. Eating watermelon to relieve the summer heat not only lowers the body temperature, but also nourishes the body. It's really killing two birds with one stone! Even the side is so delicious, what will happen in the middle? I really wanted to taste it. I couldn't help digging the spoon towards the middle.


No, my mother has been working overtime these days. She leaves early and returns late. She can't even see her own shadow. It's too hard. Even my aunt who came back from Nanjing complains: "I came back very hard. Why didn't you see your mother? Why is she so busy?"


This time I will leave more for my mother, including the middle part. I almost dug up all the surrounding areas. Looking at the red central part, I really wanted to dig a spoonful to satisfy my appetite. However, as soon as the idea germinated, I thought of my mother, who was tired and could not rest on weekends. How could I be greedy and take it for myself? Although I had eaten in the middle before, my mother would never blame me. But my mother also wants to eat, and she also wants to eat the middle food. I can't be too selfish. Even if my mother didn't work overtime, but my mother gave birth to me and supported me, why can't I think about it for her? I reluctantly put down the spoon and stared at the tempting watermelon.


After waiting for a long time, Mom finally heard the familiar footsteps from the corridor. The door opened, I quickly handed my slippers and said happily, "Mom, come and eat watermelon!"


My mother changed her slippers and followed me to the kitchen. When she saw the watermelon on the table, she was stunned at first and then smiled like a flower. She ate while digging. Later, my mother told my grandmother and aunt more than once, and even used WeChat to match photos in her circle of friends, saying that it was the sweetest watermelon she had ever eaten.

西瓜的说明文 篇7


My home is in Daxing. The most famous specialty of Daxing is watermelon.


The word watermelon first appeared in the book History of the New Five Dynasties written by Ouyang Xiu of Song Dynasty. More than 1000 years ago, it was planted in Hebei Province and introduced to Beijing. Daxing is a famous watermelon producing area and distribution center. About 400 years ago, during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Daxing watermelon was recorded as tribute.


The spring rain is continuous, and the watermelon vine greedily sucks the spring dew. They stretch green vines and curly vines laugh in the rain and fog.


After Children's Day, there are round big watermelons sitting on the vine. It is smooth and round, with 16~17 obvious dark green snake patterns on the light green background. Each one weighs about 5 kilograms!, Cut it, the skin is thin and tough, the flesh is bright red and soft, and the flesh tastes crisp and rusty. The mouth is full of watermelon juice, sweet, better than any drink. The more you eat, the more you love it. I once ate too much and went to the bathroom several times at night. Hey hey, I just know that watermelon is not only sweet, but also has a lot of water. Therefore, the watermelon, which is known as the king of summer fruits, can not only relieve heat and thirst, but also have the medicinal functions of diuresis and diarrhea, throat arthralgia treatment, and alcohol detoxification. Traditional Chinese medicine also studies using watermelon to treat nephritis, edema, diabetes, jaundice and hypertension!


Watermelon is already a product of geographical indication in Daxing. I am proud of my hometown. I love the big watermelons in my hometown.

关于西瓜的作文 篇8


Speaking of watermelon, the best watermelon belongs to us in Bianliang, as the saying goes: Lingbao apple is a pear, and Kaifeng watermelon is as sweet as honey. It's no good for families not to buy several watermelons every summer. Watermelons generally grow in June and July, when you will see groups of watermelons in the fields.


When watermelons mature, there are round and rare square shapes. Of course, the most common shape is oval. In a word, the watermelon is as big as a basketball and as small as a ball. The skin of a watermelon is dark green with alternating stripes, but some are black. When the watermelon is cut, the bright red flesh is exposed, and a sweet smell floats. The red flesh also contains the black pearl like watermelon seed.


Watermelons are not only beautiful, but also very versatile. It can be eaten by digging, or processed into watermelon ice cream, watermelon ice, watermelon jelly, etc. Of course, you can also squeeze it into juice to drink. If you can drink a mouthful of iced watermelon juice in hot summer, it's really cool. The whole body of watermelon is treasure. The flesh of watermelon can be eaten directly, the seeds can be fried for leisure, and the skin can be fried for food.


Every summer and autumn, in June and July, the farmer uncle will plant many watermelon seedlings in the field. It seems that the watermelon on the ground will soon come out and bear big and sweet fruits.


Watermelon is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value and medical value. Watermelon is a very good medicinal material. It can cure people. It has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying and diuresis, and can also help to treat diabetes and yellow bile. It is said that eating a mouthful of watermelon in summer also has the function of reducing fever. It's too hot to eat in summer. You can eat some watermelon. It can supplement the nutrition you need. It also contains rich vitamin C. As the saying goes: In summer, half a melon needs no medicine.


Watermelon not only brings home a delicious food, but also makes an indispensable contribution to the economic development of Kaifeng.


I love watermelons in my hometown!

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