

时间:2022-10-15 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



2022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇12021年《开学第一课》观后感 篇2

2022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇1


It is also the beginning of the school year, and it is time for the long-awaited First Lesson!


At this time of the year, the First Lesson of School will accompany me to start a new school year. Because of the impact of the new epidemic, this year's First Lesson of School is even more special: special real-time connection to the "Cloud Classroom", connecting Wuhan, Beijing, and children across the country; The special place for class, the former shelter hospital - Hongshan Gymnasium, has now become the classroom of the First Lesson of School; More specifically, the teachers in this year's "First Lesson" told us what "responsibility" is in the whole epidemic prevention and control with practical actions! They are all heroes in my heart!


Speaking of the hero in my heart, first of all, it belongs to my beloved Grandpa Zhong Nanshan!


In the first lesson of school, Grandpa Zhong told us the story that he witnessed the tenacious struggle between the Chinese nation and the Japanese aggressors when he was a child, as well as his experience of exercising and becoming a doctor. Of course, what impressed me most was Grandpa Zhong's sharing of those tense and touching moments at the worst time of the epidemic! An 80 year old man, at the most critical moment of the epidemic, went against Wuhan and spared no effort to help the country make a correct judgment. For 76 days and 1814 hours, at least 700000 people were infected in China! Grandpa Zhong is the real hero in my heart!


This year's First Lesson also made me know a new idol, Grandpa Xie Jun, the chief designer of Beidou-3 navigation satellite, who told me the story behind the "Beidou" satellite for 26 years, and also let me know that behind the rapid construction of the "Vulcan Mountain" and "Leishen Mountain" hospitals, there is also the "Beidou" accurate measurement technology, which makes me more aware that "science" is not just talk!


In this class, I admire so many heroes: Uncle Zhang Dingyu, who is suffering from frostbite, Uncle Mao Qing of the Army Military Medical University, Academician Chen Wei, who has developed a new vaccine worldwide, and so on. Thanks to their efforts, we now have a safe and happy life!


The first lesson of school is over, but these heroes and their spirit have been firmly rooted in my heart! Grandpa Xie Jun said, "Look up at the starry sky, the bright Beidou, be down-to-earth, and go steadily and far". We should use the "Beidou spirit" to encourage ourselves to study harder!

2021年《开学第一课》观后感 篇2


_, When the bell rings in the New Year, it is not the lights of thousands of families that welcome, but the epidemic disease that breaks out in silence.


The new type of coronavirus spread like wildfire, and the people of the country were like grass away from the original. They were caught in a bitter battle. One group after another went to the front, one group after another fell down, and one group after another stood up. The wildfire was endless, and the spring breeze was blowing again. The medical staff who never sleeps to save the dying and heal the wounded, the scientific researchers who work hard to develop new drugs, the police officers who rush to maintain public security, the bosses who do business at a loss to allow front-line personnel to eat, and the netizens who worry about donating masks for the heavy task ahead... This is a disaster, but also a tough line, connecting the love and kindness of the whole society, strength and dedication, A warm and powerful force. In this epidemic, as students, we may not be able to fight against the enemy, but we can do our part of the responsibility and responsibility, try not to go out, wear masks, protect ourselves, and prevent people at the front from worrying about us at the rear.


In the extended holiday, we can calm down and think about ourselves and nature. The origin of the disease is just a small bat. A bat that we don't pay attention to. The ignorance and ignorance of human beings violated the laws of nature, and the Creator punished human beings to sound the alarm. In the process of urbanization and science and technology, the living standard has improved rapidly, and science and technology have changed with each passing day. However, human beings have lost their awe of nature in their arrogant satisfaction. At this time, we, struggling in the predicament, should not only grasp the hope of life, but also regain the fear of nature, and no longer repeat the mistakes. Man and nature are one. We should live in harmony with nature instead of harming and destroying it. With the attitude of respecting and shaping nature, we will return to the original in the development.


We can calm down and learn. What to learn? Learn lessons, learn responsibility, learn love, learn maturity. In the new era, we will not be knocked down by the current storm. We can also learn independently at home, strive to reach the top, do not lose our homework, and arm ourselves with knowledge. To share some housework for parents, so that they can take a breather after work. We will integrate emotion into practice, faith into struggle, grow up in difficulties, mature in adversity, let AIDS grow stronger, forge ahead, and become a better person.


"With love, spring will not be far away." The ice and snow will eventually melt, and the breath of spring will eventually bring new life to the people in the struggle. The dawn of victory is just around the corner. Let's welcome the bright future together with the attitude of respecting and shaping the nature and learning to breathe in the spring.

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