

时间:2022-09-28 13:23:23 | 来源:语文通



描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇1描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇2描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇3描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇4描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇5描写中秋节的作文 篇6描写中秋节的作文500字 篇7描写中秋节的作文 篇8描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇9描写中秋节的作文400字 篇10

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇1


Mid -Autumn Festival is lively, interesting, full.On the huge bright moon on the Mid -Autumn Festival, the bright moonlight is so intriguing ...


"Ding .. .. .." The bell at 8 o'clock was just rang, and the quiet sky plundered a gorgeous "rainbow fireworks"., Green, blue.They look very beautiful in the dark night sky, elegant, like flowers of various colors, dance on their own stage!This can make me who stayed on the balcony to enjoy the moon, how beautiful this is!


After the fireworks, I looked around by the way, eh?My vision has been taken away by the "flower green" park!It is really crowded, lively and extraordinary.Some people carry the lantern carefully; some are around for everyone; others are even more outrageous, and they simply run and run on the grass and play.Looking at them, I couldn't help itch in my heart, hurried back to the house, urging my mother ...


With my hope and expectations, I finally arrived at the park.Just when I entered the door, I saw a lot of people buying lanterns, and I couldn't wait to provoke the fluorescent stick.That kind of night glowing.In the crowded crowd, I thought silently: huh!Mid -Autumn Festival, business is really good!


In the sea of people, it is easy to follow!I look at the fluorescent sticks in my hands and my cousin, and decide: Everyone brings one to distinguish it in the dark.The aunt is red, the mother is blue, my cousin is...... Sure enough!The cousin ran to the lake to make fun. As soon as he saw the green ring, he found it immediately!


Walking around, there was a small road with fewer people and the street lights that were not too bright. We clicked on the lantern and let the bright colors guide us to move forward, and soon returned to the original place.Then, we also played with lanterns by the lake and used football games.I think: there should be such a pleasant mood only in such a special festival!


Tired, we sat on the cold bench to enjoy the moon.Looking up, the blue and black sky is cloudless, and the moon is so quiet, so beautiful, so elegant.Through the outer skin, it seemed to see the jade rabbit pounding, and when I met Wu Gang to cut the tree, I felt extremely comfortable and pure.People often say: "Fifteen Moon Sixteen Circles", but in August 15th this year, Mingyue is so perfect!I have always been obsessed with this realm of "enjoyment": listening to Chang'e's whisper, seeing the beauty of the moon girl, and smelling the breath of the moon.Everything is that beauty.....Then, then, then


I finally came over in "Dream" and "Wake up", and looked around, eh?Why are you gone with me?Oh, I looked at it for an hour as soon as I looked at it, everyone went to play!Hey, can't blame me!Who calls the moon so different and intriguing?


what!What a meaningful Mid -Autumn Festival!A happy night!On the Mid -Autumn Festival night, the deep imprint in my heart will always be endless!

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇2


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. People want to eat moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the round moon cake represents the reunion. On this day, the family gathered together to celebrate the reunion and appreciate the moon. At night, they would have to provide moon cakes to worship the moon gods and pray that the family is happy and healthy. This ancient tradition has been inherited in my hometown for many years. The long -awaited Mid -Autumn Festival finally came. Early in the morning, I saw my father and mother like two hard -working bees. They were busy: design reunion meals, vegetables, gifts ... Mom told my mother told I am going to my uncle's house in the Mid -Autumn Festival. I am very happy, like a spring on my feet, jumping three feet high. I couldn't wait to set off, like a runaway pony went straight to my uncle's house. When I arrived at the house, my mother pierced into the kitchen and was busy with my uncle and aunt; I and my cousin opened the "Three Kingdoms Kill" to prepare for the battle of 300 rounds; my dad and grandfather, uncle football, the family was so lively Essence After careful preparation of my uncle, aunt, and mother, a rich reunion meal was put on the dining table. First of all, everyone toast I wish my uncle and grandpa for good health. Grandpa in his seventy -year -old has to compare with his uncle and dad. His mother said that drinking more wine hurts his body and advised him to drink less, but Grandpa exaggerated: "Today's family reunion, I am very happy. Drink some wine. If you have any problems, I often smoke, isn't my body good? "Grandpa said, let us cry and laugh. The whole family talked about the family while eating, and her face was happy, and the cheerful laughter sounded from time to time in the living room.


In the evening, the whole family sat on the balcony, eating moon cakes and watching the moon. Moon cakes have five kernels, jujube mud, fruit filling ... I like the moon cakes of jujube mud stuffing the most. There is a jujube flavor. I ate the moon cake and told me my cousin: "In the past, a person was called Wu Gang, and the Jade Emperor sent him to cut a cinnamon tree. When it comes to the world, it becomes golden leaves. It will float to the door of the most hard -working house, and the household will have a good life, so you and your brother will be a hard -working person when you grow up. " After speaking, my dad took the stubble: "There are many poems describing the moon in ancient times, what do you know?" I opened my mouth and said, "There is Su Shi's" Water Tune Songs ": When is the moonlight, I ask the wine to ask Qingtian; There is also Li Bai's "Gu Langyue": I do n’t know the moon in the hour, call as a white jade plate, and I suspect that Yao Tai Mirror, flying in the Qingyun. "Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, blowing the night wind of the brushed face, I As if in the poetic and paintings of the ancients. Time has passed so fast, and my parents and I have to go home. On the way home, I felt that the moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival seemed to be extraordinarily round this year.

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇3


"Tonight, the moon is empty, I don't know who Qiu is falling." Memory seems to emerge in a dense moonlight.Unconsciously, tears drop on the silverware of the Mid -Autumn Festival, like fireworks blooming at night.Glory but difficult to seal, only the remaining warmth.In the deep sky, the next round of the moon was like flowing water in the deep sky.....Then, then, then


The full moon is hung high, and a few gray clouds float in the dark blue sky. The breeze is whispering. The grape vine covers the entire grape rack under the bright moonlight. A few string of heavy grapes lying quietly.It is such a mood, and this atmosphere is so charming.The fragrance of osmanthus and the sweetness of moon cakes are intertwined, permeating in the empty atmosphere.There is no carnival in the Mid -Autumn Festival in the countryside, and there is no romantic atmosphere of walking in hand, and there is no gorgeous and colorful top of the dream.Around a table, the three generations can laugh and laugh, look at the bright moon, and look at the flashing stars.Unique! "


The Mid -Autumn Festival of childhood is always remembered.Whenever I think of the corner of my mouth, I will raise a shallow smile.No matter how difficult it is, as long as this family is round, there is nothing to hesitate.


The autumn wind blew the leaves and covered the ground, and Xiao Zhe floated.It's late at night, only candles are by my side.At dusk, I can see the scenery on strange land.Parents were forced to make a living and ran outside.This is a happy day of reunion, just like the sad time of Si Xiang.The little hand holding the moon cake trembled slightly, and the light in his eyes gradually dim.Suddenly a cheerful footsteps sounded, and my heart was full of hope.I opened the door ecstatic.A pair of generous big hands held my cold little hand and brought a little warmth."Well, eat with fresh moon cakes." My neighbor's uncle's loving tone disappointed me."Thank you Uncle!"


After saying this, he turned and left.I clearly saw that his house was brightly lit and pleasant.Tears turned in her eyes. She leaned on the high window sill and watched the direction of her parents return.The bustling city is no longer noisy. It is like a deep pool at night, so calm cannot arouse ripples.This is the first time I know what I know.I held a moon, letting the light moonlight purify my deep nostalgia.The blurred thoughts wandered alone, because the affectionate call rushed to spring like bees and butterflies- "Son, my parents are back!" My tears couldn't stop.I embrace happily.The moon cakes in my hand are divided into two parts, part of my father, and the other to my mother.They smiled happily, and then separated the other half.They were fed in my mouth.The scent of red beans is getting stronger and stronger, with deep love and happiness.Inadvertently, the two lines of tears fell on the bedding and murmured in their mouths, "The moon in the countryside is still round!"

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇4


Time flies!In the blink of an eye to reach the Mid -Autumn Festival.Dad said that he would take me back to Nanyang's grandma's house to experience the Mid -Autumn Festival in the countryside.


After more than three hours of trek, our family finally came to Nanyang.Driving on the road in the countryside, the trees on both sides of the road were blowing under the wind, and the leaves were blown up "Wow, Wow", as if greeted me.I looked up again, the sky was as poor as washing, and the blue was like a transparent glass, and it was like a sapphire.There are still a few clouds on the blue sky. Although not many, it is very thick, like a large, white, soft marshmallow.After a while, I looked like: huh!This cloud became a cute little white rabbit, and there was a small fish next to it!I am very happy to see this, I have never seen these in the city.


After half an hour, the car finally arrived at the grandma's house.After a while, he caught the grasshopper and caught the cricket. After a while, he pulled his father to fish in the lotus pond and knew that he would go back for lunch.As soon as I entered the door, I heard a "quack" sound. What's the matter?Look back.Oh, the ducks raised by grandma came back for lunch.Listening to Dad said that grandma's duck was obedient: In the morning, they woke up on time, queued out, at noon, came back on time for lunch, and then line up.In the evening, I came back on time.Interesting.


After dinner, I was crazy for an afternoon, and I started looking forward to the bright moon at night.


In the setting sun, the twilight shrouded the field, and the night came quietly.I walked alone on the trail, and the grass came from the grass from time to time.I found a gentle hillside, lay down, closed my eyes and smelled the unique fragrance of the field, and felt that all kinds of birds flew over my head. I suddenly felt a special happiness.When I opened my eyes, it was completely dark.The sky is covered with stars, squeezing around the ink -colored sky, as if talking about what is talking about.Under the reflection of the night sky, the stars are so long, so clean, so quiet, so mysterious.It's like a pair of eyes.A round of bright moon hangs in the sky, and the moon sprinkles clear and silver, and the silver light is like daytime.Clouds around.In the moonlight, it looks more beautiful.I stood up and strolled on the trail. The moonlight was blurred, like water like silver, moonlight like frost, and moonlight dissolved.Coupled with the chorus of the worm, it can be said that this is the most beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival I have.


A few days later, I returned home. In my dream, I still dreamed of a little stars and that round of autumn moon.

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇5


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival and Mid -Autumn Festival are here. The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival. This Mid -Autumn Festival is passed down from hundreds of years. There will be dragon boats, moon appreciation, moon cakes, etc.


Today, my father asked: "Tongtong, where do you want to go today, Lecong Park, the movie theater, ... I still cook at home, play games ..." I said, "Okay, I think about it." I think: I don't want to go out today, it's better to barbecue at home!It is a pleasure while watching the moon on the rooftop.Then I ran to my dad and said to him, "Dad, we might as well barbecue on the rooftop." Dad asked me: "Why?" I explained, saying: It is a pleasure to watch the moon while watching the moon.Then I ran to my dad and said to him, "Dad, we might as well grill on the rooftop" Dad asked me: "Why" I settled with him and said, "Enjoy? "Dad replied:" Of course this is a enjoyment. Well, let's eat the barbecue for dinner! "I (www..cn) said happily:" Okay, okay! Finally, you can be at home at home.Barbecue! "


At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to be a little dusk, and we also started to barbecue. First of all, I made a fire, and then took a chair and table, and food.Then, we started barbecue, with eggplant, feathers, chicken wings, vegetables, fish, small balls ... I used a fork, inserted two chicken wings, and burned it on the barbecue oven.it's dark.The moon slowly turns from the curved shape to a round and large moon, like a beautiful moon cake. I really want to eat this cake!But in the sky, I can't pick it up.


"Tongtong, the chicken wings are burnt, hurry up." Mom shouted.


But when I picked it up, it was late.The chicken wings were all dark, and my father said, "Come again, you can't eat it." I said, "Okay."I used a fork, inserted two chicken wings, and started burning.


I think: I should be watching the moon just now, so I did n’t turn it, so I burned it.


While looking at the fire, flipping.Soon after the chicken wings became familiar, I smelled very fragrant, and the meat was tender and a little spicy, probably because my father spilled spicy powder!At this time, there were some clouds floating around the moon, beautiful!Just like Tianxian.This is really enjoyment, eating delicious barbecue, watching the gods of heavenly fairy, everywhere.


I am particularly happy today.

描写中秋节的作文 篇6


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. The most important thing about the Mid -Autumn Festival is to eat moon cakes.After dinner, I proposed to host a unique moon cake competition at home.


Eating moon cakes is a game with my dad, and my mother is a referee.The rules of the competition are: 30 seconds of time, and whoever eats more will win.Dad thinks that my mouth is too small, so Dad cuts each large moon cake into two small pieces. My two small pieces are equal to Dad's piece.The game started, and I stuffed my moon cakes one by one.After eating my four small pieces, my mouth couldn't put it in, and then I desperately chewed the moon cake.I feel that I can't swallow it a little bit, but I still insist on swallowing the moon cake in order to win my father.When the game came, I ate four small pieces and my father only ate a large piece.


I must win this game, because we can prove that the four small pieces I eat are equal to two big pieces, 2 are larger than 1, so I must win.


I am very happy today, because I not only won my dad, but also ate my favorite moon cake to spend a sweet Mid -Autumn Festival.

描写中秋节的作文500字 篇7


The autumn is high and refreshing, and the air is cool and autumn. We have ushered in the annual August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival. Our family likes the Mid -Autumn Festival, because on the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family can be together in the Mid -Autumn Festival this year.Fifteen, at dusk, the jade rabbit was rising, and the bright moon was shining with a round moon. There were several white clouds in the sky floating in the middle of the clouds, the breeze was blew, and the small wind was blowing slowly.There are a few stacked grapes that are hanging on the grape rack. Several fireflies fly around and fly again. It is so emotional, and this mood is so charming.


My sister and I, the two of us stood in the center of the yard, looked up, looked at the moon on that day, I said, "Look, the moon here is rising!" The sister said, "Look, the moon over there, the moon over there, the moon over there, the moon over there, the moon over there, the moon over thereIt has also risen! "At this time, the whole family in the yard, including father, mother, and sister almost all shouted together:" Look, the moon in the east is really rising! "


What a good moon, it is like a bright moon, and it looks like a round moon, and it is rising!


We are happy in the yard. No one can say that this is not happy. The whole family of our family likes this beautiful and beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival, especially on August 15th. It happened to catch up with the Mid -Autumn Festival.It's really double joy!


There are sadness and joy in the moon, and people are full of yin and clear. At this moment, it is the good day of family and family members of all ethnic groups across the country together. Let us raise moon cakes together and drink this happy moon cake together.Intersection


The night was already very deep, and the late night was gradually thicker. Hao Yue was empty, reflecting the bright moonlight, our family lingered back, with a very happy mood, still watching the bright moon in the yard with great interest!


I really want to live such a happy life every day!

描写中秋节的作文 篇8


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, a day of reunion.As the saying goes: the moon is rising at the sea, and the end of the world will be at this time.Great, I can finally see Yuanyue.


At night, our family gathered in a dinner and chatted happily. My brother and I ate the round moon cake and looked at the night sky from time to time.


Mid -Autumn Festival last year, as soon as I had dinner, my dad and I couldn't wait to come to the place where the lantern was sold. Now, buy lanterns and buy lanterns. Dad couldn't answer. At this time, the moon showed half a face from the clouds, shy as a little girl. Slowly, the round moon rose, like a large jade plate, and the moon was like a fairy wearing a white gauze skirt, sprinking the bright moonlight to the ground, and the earth was like daylight. Mingyue was embedded on the sky. From the moonlight, I seemed to see Sister Chang'e crying alone, and she held Yu to avoid her loved ones with both hands. At this time, my mother stopped me and looked at it, so beautiful! It turns out that the shadow of the moon is reflected in the water, forming a moon in the water. The river water reflects the surrounding lights, and then sets off the beautiful round moon, really like being in a beautiful picture. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help writing a poem: Mid -Autumn Festival rewarded the moon and the moon was full, and the lake was very fresh. The long river is like a picture roll, and our family is together. When everyone heard it, I boasted that I said it was good. How unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival I laughed proudly!


Although this Mid -Autumn Festival is a bit regrettable, I ca n’t buy a lantern, but I am equally happy. The family has a happy festival, and the reunion is the most important.


Wu Lihe Central Primary School Fifth Grade: Xie Yu

描写中秋节的优秀作文 篇9


We started the chopsticks and just ate for a while.Someone knocked on the door "咚", and I immediately stood up to open the door.I opened the door to see my father. I was extremely happy and suddenly rushed to my father's arms. Our whole family finally reunited to eat Mid -Autumn Festival meals ...


"The fifteenth moon, hanging in the sky in the border." The meaning of this song is: No matter where the loved ones are, their hearts will reunite on this day.That is the day of August 15th.Running back quietly back into the room that sneaked into the back wing. Attempting to steal his medicine. Unexpectedly, the wife of the back wing was seen. In order to prevent the medicine from falling into the hands of others.Inside, immediately flew from the window towards the moon, and knew it was fooled in the back wing. When he sprinkled his legs, he ran back to the air.Essence


Because the puppet flying away was August 15th.And he likes to eat moon cakes very much.As a result, August 15th of the back wing is filled with the clean moonlight in August 15th.Put on the favorite moon cake.So on August 15th each year, it is called "Mid -Autumn Festival" by future generations and has to eat moon cakes.


The back wing is unable to reunite because of the heye: I feel very sad.So on the 15th of August 15th, every household must reunite, and my family is different.My dad is far away in Shanxi and cannot spend Mid -Autumn Festival with us.In order to make us happy in my mother and my sister -in -law, I made a rich table of Mid -Autumn Festival rice.? "No, still worse your dad.I stepped in from the door.The whole family was in contemplation, and my uncle said, "Don't think of those. Today is a happy day, why is this?"


We started the chopsticks and just ate for a while.Someone knocked on the door "咚", and I immediately stood up to open the door.I opened the door to see my father. I was extremely happy and suddenly rushed to my father's arms. Our whole family finally reunited to eat Mid -Autumn Festival meals.


When the whole family eats together, the taste can not be expressed in words. The appearance of my father is beyond my expectation. Unfortunately, there is no longer. At this time, the moon is shining brightly at my heart.I'm so happy!


The next day, Dad left again.


I look forward to the coming of the Mid -Autumn Festival next year, because Hou's father would return again.

描写中秋节的作文400字 篇10


Oh!That is of course the Mid -Autumn Festival!


In the morning, I thought to myself: oh!Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, can you eat moon cakes?I am stubbornly wearing dresses and pants, waiting for the moon at night.


In the evening, the whole family ate a good meal and ate moon cake together.Do you like to eat moon cakes?I like to eat moon cakes the most, let me introduce the moon cake I have eaten now!Moon cakes have a variety of flavors, such as: fruit moon cakes, bean paste moon cakes, and meat loose moon cakes, etc.; its shapes are also different: round, rectangular, loving, etc.;Very unique!There are fragrant grape flavor, a faint egg yolk flavor, and a strong flavor ...


I also ate moon cake and ran to the flower bed to watch the moon.what!The moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival is like a big moon cake; it smiles happily like a little girl in the sky, as if watching our beautiful life in the sky;Delicious moon cake.Looking at the moon, I thought of an ancient poem: the moonlight in front of the bed was suspected to be on the ground.Looking at the Mingyue, he bowed his head to his hometown.It is conceivable that for foreigners who are running in foreign countries, they have worked abroad for many years. Now they just borrow this section to miss their relatives.Although you can't reunite together now, the moon you see at this time is the same.Looking at the moon, let's pray for blessings together forever and well -being!


The Mid -Autumn Festival passed like this. The bright circle sent me into the dreamland. I look forward to the 20XX -year round moon more charming and brighter.

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