

时间:2022-09-28 13:23:20 | 来源:语文通



关于母爱的演讲稿 篇1母爱的演讲稿 篇2母爱的演讲稿 篇3关于母爱的演讲稿 篇4

关于母爱的演讲稿 篇1


What is the mother, a mother -like mother will invest a little bit in our hearts.


What is the mother, the mother opened the door of growth for us, and the mother was sent by God to cultivate our angels.


There is a kind of love in the world, mother love!There is a person in the world worthy of our best return, that is the mother!


Yes, I am nine years old.In these nine years, you paid a lot for me.I want to thank you -mom, thank you for your life.Thank you for your concern and attention to me.


Remember, when I was three years old, my physique was very poor, I often had a fever, and most of them were in the middle of the night.Whenever I have a fever, you get up quickly, but you can't take care of your clothes.Let me find the medicine I took for me, then sit next to me, wipe my forehead, palms, etc. with a cotton ball.At the same time, wipe every two minutes and check the body temperature every fifteen minutes.In this way, you will lie down with peace of mind before I burn a little, and then the sky will be bright.The next morning you took me to the hospital.Looking at your tired face and blushing eyes, I feel very frustrated.

母亲,你不仅关心我的生活,还教我如何表现。教我挑战困难,不要在困难面前屈服。所以我要感谢你 - 妈妈,谢谢你的教育。

Mother, you not only care about my life, but also teach me how to perform.Teach me to challenge difficulties and don't yield in front of difficulties.So I want to thank you -mother, thank you for your education.


Once, the teacher made me a team leader.This is the first time I have been a team leader, so I am scared, I am worried that I can't do well.After returning home, you see me very frustrated.Just ask me why, so I told you this and said that I don't want to do it, let you and the teacher tell me, after listening to you, comfort me: "Don't be afraid, because the teacher chose your teacher to believe you. There is such a kind of kind.Ability. In addition, this is also an opportunity to exercise. Believe in yourself, as long as you have confidence, you can do it well. It is best to try it first. If you can't do this, tell the teacher. "Later, I did what you said.I did well.


what!Mom, you are like a cup of tea, drinking your warmth on a cold night, drinking in loneliness, drinking indifferent when you cry, drinking your life in your life, this is your tenderness.


Mother, I have to listen to you and learn to become their pillar.this country.I know this is the best reward for you

母爱的演讲稿 篇2


Dear leaders, teachers, classmates:


Today I am honored to speak on this podium for everyone.Mother's Day is coming. For every mother, the best gift I received is the healthy growth of my children. Today, I want to give this article to my mother and all my mother all over the world.They are healthy and happy!The topic of my speech is "The Love of Green Leaf on the Roots".


"Mother! The wind and rain in the sky are coming, the birds are hiding in its nest; the wind and rain in my heart are just hiding in your arms. Is it pity? Is it gentle? Or your endless love, melting my freezingXinquan! "A Bingxin" Star "made many children feel the selflessness and warmth of the mother!


I think my mother is very familiar with everyone. The chapter of praising my mother from ancient times to the present is countless, but today I want to express my love for my mother with my most simple and sincere heart here!

我们本是一颗不起眼的小草,妈妈就像小草周围的阳光、雨水一样,在我们最需要的时候给我们最精心的呵护和关爱。 小时候我总是喜欢偎依在母亲的怀里,听妈妈唱那儿时的歌谣,静静的,轻轻的,进入甜蜜的梦乡,那时便觉得这是世界上最幸福的事!因为在妈妈的怀抱里,我有一种无法形容的亲切感。记得在上小学的时候,一次我和朋友发生了争吵,结果我们好些天都没有说话。终于有一天我忍不住把这件事讲给妈妈听,我那和蔼可亲的母亲告诉我做人一定要学会宽容。我细细地品读着母亲的话语,慢慢地我领悟到其中的道理。后来,我主动向那位朋友道歉,最终我又重新迎来昔日的友谊。直到现在,我都一直记着妈妈的话!是啊,我们做人难道不应该宽容吗?

We are a humble grass. Moms are like the sun and rain around the grass. When we need the most, we give us the most careful care and care.When I was a kid, I always liked to stay in my mother's arms, listening to my mother sang the ballads when she sang there, quiet, gently, entered the sweet dream hometown, then I felt that this was the happiest thing in the world!Because in my mother's arms, I have a sense of intangible intimacy.I remember when I was in elementary school, I had a quarrel with my friends once, but we didn't speak for a few days.Finally, one day I couldn't help telling this matter to my mother. My amiable mother told me that people must learn to be tolerant.I read my mother's words carefully, and slowly realized the truth.Later, I took the initiative to apologize to the friend, and in the end I welcomed the friendship of the past again.Until now, I have been remembering my mother's words!Yeah, shouldn't we be tolerant?


After growing up, it gradually became sensible, and he was more appreciated with the mother's heart.When I was lost, my mother would tell me firmly: "It's okay, there will be a chance!" When I was proud of getting a little gain, my mother told me seriously: "This is not enough, continue to work hard!"When my will is not firm enough, my mother will tell me seriously:" If you work hard, you will gain a lot! "Whenever I encounter frustration, my mother's teachings will sound in my ear, and my heart is full of hope and right.Future confidence!


Now that I am separated from my mother, I understand how to cherish the beauty of the world -that is, when I still have it, care carefully about this precious treasure, and don't relax for a moment!


Whenever I hear other children calling my mother, how kind and warm my mother, why don't I want to call my mother?There is no feeling, compared to the mother's love from the heart!How deep is love?Mom's love is like a vast sea, boundless!


Mother, my beloved mother, you are so ordinary, but you are so great, you dedicate all your love to your daughter, selfless and unreserved, but what should I take to returnAnd you!


Perhaps I will be very naughty in the past and will make you sad; but now I have grown up, sensible, and I won't worry about you as in the past.But you still care about me from time to time, so that I can realize your warmth no matter when and wherever I can, and make me the happiest child in the world!


I want to sing a song "Listening to Mom": "Mom's hard work does not let you see it. If you have time, hold her hand more, hold her hands to sleepwalking ..." Indeed, the mother in the labor again and again, Make her hands rough, but I want to hold my mother's hand forever. Although it is so rough, I can still feel the warmth from the heart!My mother's love for me is like the bridge and small bridge of the village head. The small bridge leaned against the bridge and blocked the wind and rain again and again!


My mother is a lighthouse in the night navigation. When I lost my direction in the vast night, she navigated for me!


My mother is a whip in my studies. When I am lazy, she spares my courage to move forward!


My mother is a clear spring in the desert. When I thirsty or even despair, she nourishes me with the sweet spring water!


In a word, my mother is the forever hero in my heart, the myth forever!


Mother, my dear mother, your selfless love, your great love, make your daughter intoxicated in the infinite warmth!


May all mothers in the world be healthy and happy!


My speech is over, thank you all!

母爱的演讲稿 篇3


Hello everyone, the topic of my speech is: Thanksgiving mother love.


Unconsciously, the mother was overwhelmed, and another mother's birthday passed.On the occasion of the mother's birthday, I always want to write something, as a congratulatory gift to express my gratitude to the mother, but I always do not know how to start.


I often hear people and say: I do n’t know my parents.But do not understand the meaning.Now that he is a father, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of raising children and educating daughter -how difficult it is for parents to raise us for adults!


The mother is an ordinary person, and there is no shocking deeds, but in the eyes of the children, the mother is great.She uses her ordinary words and deeds to educate and motivate children to grow and progress, so we must be grateful for our mother.


Thanks to her mother, first of all, I would like to thank her for letting us come to this beautiful world and giving us a chance to live and be human.


Thanks to her mother, I would like to thank her old man to pull us hard and cultivate adults.


Thanks to her mother, I would like to thank her to teach us the truth of people and things, so that we can stand between heaven and earth today.


Thanks to her mother, I also want to thank her for letting us learn the virtues of respecting the elderly, helping the young, helping the poor, and abandoning evil.


Thanks to her mother, she cultivates us with selfless love and hard sweat.


In the ancient times, there was a poem that the mother was in the middle of the hand.This is the true portrayal of the mother!


The crow has the righteousness of feed, and sheep have the grace of kneeling milk.Facing the older mother, how should we be grateful for us who have been husbands, women, and father?


A song "Going home often" said the mother's voice.


Finally, I wish all the mothers under the world a healthy and longevity and happy every day!


That's the end of my speech, thank you all.

关于母爱的演讲稿 篇4


When I was a kid, mother love was encouraging.


Every weekend, my mother always took me to the park to learn to ride a bike.She follows me every time.Although I was shaking, I was stable.Suddenly, a "的" sounded, and the stroller and I fell heavily."Mom!" I cried loudly and laid on the ground, waiting for my mother's rescue.However, the mother stopped.She nodded with a smile and motioned for me to stand up.And said with expectations: "Ying Ying is obedient, Ying Ying will be able to stand up!" I was encouraged, struggling to get up ...



Mother, your special love brings me the power of self -reliance.


When growing up, motherly love is the passion of struggle.



There are too many homework, and I have to struggle until late at night.At this time, in another room, there is always a "Watchman of the wheat field", and she is my mother.After working for a day during the day, she should have rest, but she never left her "post".After a while, she would send me a cup of fragrant milk. After a while, she would give me a warm towel ...


"Mom, you are tired, go to bed first, I'm okay."


"Mom is not tired. Accompany you, mother's heart."




Mother, your affectionate love brings me the power of hard work.


And now, mother love is a simple text message.

正在梦中,突然听到手机短信的声音,睁开眼睛一看:7点了!我打开收件箱,一条短信映入眼帘:"儿子,今天一模,给你加油!"看着母亲的短信,我的心久久不能平静。六点半就去上班的妈妈现在还在路上吧,她一定是把车停在路边,笨手笨脚地摁着键盘。每摁一个…作文迷 .cn…字,都倾注了她沉甸甸的爱意啊!我赶紧披衣起床,吃下妈妈准备好的还温热着的早餐,迎着朝阳出门。

In the dream, I suddenly heard the sound of mobile phone text messages, and opened my eyes to see: 7 o'clock!I opened the inbox, and a text message came into view: "Son, just go today, cheer for you!" Looking at my mother's text message, my heart could not be calm for a long time.The mother who went to work at 6:30 is still on the road. She must stop the car on the side of the road and hold the keyboard stupidly.Every ... composition fans .cn ... words, she devoted her heavy love!I hurriedly got up, and ate my mother prepared for the warm breakfast, and went out in Chaoyang.


"Mom, you can rest assured. In order to repay your raising grace, my son will do his best." After reviewing, I sent a text message before my mother.


Mother, your meticulous love has brought me the power of struggling to climb!


Teacher Wu Shangcun's appreciation: The author intercepted the three small fragments of "when you were a child", "Growing up", and "Now", which reflects the mother's love and his own feelings about maternal love.Encouragement "," when growing up, motherly love is the passion of struggle ", and" now, mother love is a simple SMS "as a chief sentence of each fragment, combined into the entire article, there is no small title, not only does it not have a disabled feeling, but there is no incomplete feeling of feeling.Instead, it looks more natural, more compact, and more concise. This is the role of the chief sentence. The chief sentence of each paragraph not only plays a role in the whole paragraph, but also cleverly undertakes the previous article to make the article structurally structurallyDripping water without leakage, seamless clothes.

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