

时间:2022-09-12 13:26:36 | 来源:语文通



文化苦旅读后感 篇1文化苦旅读后感 篇2文化苦旅读后感 篇3余秋雨《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4《文化苦旅》读后感 篇5文化苦旅读后感 篇6文化苦旅读后感 篇7

文化苦旅读后感 篇1


I knew a book written by Mr. Yu Qiuyu for a long time, because "culture is a bitter journey". Today, I was fortunate to read the full book to deeply feel the meaning of Mr. Yu's book "The Book Eye".Essence


In the beginning, the article seemed very bitter.The Taoist priest in "Taoist Tower" puts a piece of national treasure in the Mogao Grottoes at a very low price. For a little selfishness and greed, all the values of China's oldest cultural relics are abandoned.The carriage pulled away China's tons of national treasures. Perhaps the choice of the times, but the Taoist priest did not know that the cave he opened was the world's strange.The blew in the northwest shed tears in helplessly. Today, what kind of helplessness is left in the face of the grave of the Taoist priests and the long -empty national treasure house.IntersectionSimilarly, with the regret of the reader's loss of cultural heritage, the author also felt sighing at the beginning of the history, which made people taste bitter.


With the deepening of the work, I also seemed to follow Mr. Yu Qiuyu's good scenery to feel and move forward with him."The greatest building in China is not the Great Wall, but Dujiangyan." With the beginning of him, we returned to the era of Li Bing's father and son thousands of years ago. Under his endless expression, when he was a piece of landscape or cheering, he cheered or cheered.In encouragement, or low -key criticism, you can deeply feel the creation of this predecessor and the sorrow or shock of future generations.Of course, in the article, the pride of the Shanghai people and the Shanghai people is also funny. I do n’t know if the author is also the Shanghai people. He wrote the Shanghai people so much.What I can't forget to this day is the embarrassment of Shanghai people, but it also shows the extraordinary minds and wisdom as a metropolis.The article ended in such a travel notes, and most of China turned into such a "Cultural Bitter" through the author's wise eyes.


In the preface, the author also mentioned that this is a small work in his free time, but what shocked me was that such a small work recorded unprecedented travel in the history of Chinese culture.The scenery is so vividly displayed in a small book.I think I can understand the "bitterness" of the book: the physical suffering of the flesh, but the suffering of the soul can be turned into culture and thought.

文化苦旅读后感 篇2


It was heard about Mr. Yu Qiuyu and his works, but he has never been in contact.I rarely watch TV. This time I went to Hebei to live with the older sister who went to Hebei. She has always been watching the show of the green song.It is Mr. Yu Qiuyu. Among them, the test questions are some common sense and professional knowledge. The test questions are not complicated, and the connection to related knowledge related to the test questions, Mr. Yu Qiuyu interpreted very well.Culture has his own unique insights and judgments, leaving me a very deep impression.


I just have his book "Cultural Bitter Tour" at hand, and I read it with a moment of two breaks. This is a book that needs to calm down to calm down.From the northern country of the snowy and snowy to the northwest side of the nation, his footprint has traveled through the mountains and rivers of the motherland.The thick and calm, the smooth and softness of the Sui Dynasty, the ejection and stretch of the Tang Dynasty, the fineness and warmth of the five generations.This is a color river, and it is also the river of culture.The collection of Tianyi Pavilion made him confused, and one day he showed the social benefits of collecting books one day.After all, West Lake is a misty dream in the hearts of the literati. It can only be interpreted in words.


Chinese culture, such as the endless Yellow River and the Yangtze River, flows through the land of the motherland and flows to the vast Pacific Ocean.Culture is a kind of spiritual wealth that is internalized. In the world of Chinese people, there is an extension of Chinese culture. Chinese people who wandering overseas can use the original giant tree as a temple, worship the "big male", and thenEvolved into "Datuk Gong Big Uncle" and hopes to bless them.This is a typical clan culture, and it cannot be waved in a lifetime.


9.6 million and the land of Shenzhou in its sea are giving birth to a splendid Chinese culture. It is like a wonderful blooming, tolerance and open sea -faction culture, the new Jiangnan culture, and the Chinese culture with strong thinking of township.I can't express the author's deep interpretation of Chinese culture in language, and I can only use my heart to taste it.


With the book rolls, we can't help walking in front of the window. The flow of the flowing car and the crowd of the crowd are declared another culture. It is Kaohsiung, and the homeland that buried the thousand -year culture may be full of doubts about Chinese culture.After we went to the vast land in person, after reading the book, the heavy and hard -working pace also walked above.

文化苦旅读后感 篇3


I heard that Mr. Yu Qiuyu's name had long been read today. I was fortunate to read his book today."Borrowing my life, there is no certainty, and finding the sound of Chinese flute sighs for thousands of years." He loved Chinese culture deeply. He walked all over the motherland and wrote this collection of essays.


The word "bitter" the "bitter travel" did not know if the author did it after thinking about it.From this word, it can be seen that the author's emotion is low, and it also shows the author's sincerity of culture. It is really a bit of the taste of the Tang monk.


"Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people." Following the footsteps of the author, I visited many famous monuments. I have listened to the sound of spring water in the desert.I realized the true meaning of buried in the ruins, and I felt the beautiful 'human nature of the feudal society ... I listened to the author's talk about the ancient and modern, and sent out deep thoughts and emotions of Chinese culture in a space full of art.


The vastness of Chinese culture is not a summary of this "Cultural Travel".The author calls for more people to protect the ancestors' premises, and not to let the modern high -tech buried the classical and elegant pavilion.I think that since we were born in this bustling era, we should do better than our ancestors, because we have enough ability and conditions.


But looking at this society, how many people understand Chinese history, how many people still sweep the grave seriously in the Qingming Festival, and how many people play the piano composition and poetry in their spare time.....We cannot ask everyone to become a messenger to protect the culture, but at least as a Chinese, we must know how to protect culture, rather than Chong Yang Mei, and throw the ancestors' presence.


I am already a middle school student. I suddenly felt that the burden on my shoulders was very heavy. When we were addicted to the Internet or wore headphones to stroll around the high -rise building, we seemed to forget our responsibility.When I was childhood, I once naive believed that China's historical culture is nothing more than some things that can only be used for visitors and cannot play a practical role.Today, I can't help but feel guilty for the thought at the time.Chinese culture is like the wine that is brewing for thousands of years. The longer the time, the more fragrant it is.


We have to stand at the pinnacle of the times and let Chinese culture be on the top of the world!

余秋雨《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4


In life, Sun Shaoping, who was born but ordinary but unwilling to come out step by step; it was the camel Xiangzi in Lao She's pen from the hope of life to the numbness that fell to death again and again;Those who have been explored by bumpy.Life is written by ourselves.


Life is like ink, sprinkle a different time.Yu Qiuyu wrote in the book, "A person's life will touch a lot of objects, and the number of more is not clear. For me, the most important object must be a pen." And this article, you willI found that in his journey, how could there be less ink.In fact, life is just like ink, and he does not ask for the first place.


Life is like ink.In the journey of life, the creators of each culture have experienced rumor persecution.The reason is very simple, just because they are too good and are too jealous.Just like Yu Qiuyu himself, inexplicably identified as a member of Shi Yige, and was buckled with a rebel hat.It was framed for more than ten years, but he did not give up his original intention like everyone else, and wrote it over and over again, maybe he could not help the debate at all.On the contrary, when others framed him, he wrote one book after another with his pen.Even after the truth, he did not complain at all. Instead, he thanked these articles that framed him to help him push out many entertainment and let him have more time to invest in creation.When I read here, I couldn't help blushing. I remembered that I couldn't help but run to prove my innocence because of a little rumor.I suddenly realized that I was so easy to contaminate the world.


Life is like ink.Everyone in the journey of life has experienced the suffering of the Cultural Revolution and witnessed the changes of this era.After experiencing the Cultural Revolution, many people will slowly lag behind the trend of the times, but they are different. They do not keep behind, but they are at the forefront of the times.After being persecuted, they still picked up the pen and wrote the gangs of the era.How many people can really do this kind of courage.


Life is like ink. Only when we sink and calm our hearts, we are not disturbed by the troubles of the world, and we can write hard with the heart of the world as a scroll.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇5


After reading Mr. Qiu Yu's "Cultural Travel", I really want to seize something, but it is difficult to speak. I just feel a faint sorrow and loneliness that lingers in my heart, and it is difficult to calm down.


From the border of the rolling yellow sand to the gentle and pleasant Jiangnan town, the cultural footprint of Teacher Yu Qiuyu crossed the north and south of the Greater River. The journey was mixed with joy, excitement, sadness, and pain ...The word "bitter" of a person.The literary works of the suffering of the Chinese narrative are not a small number of literary works, but the word "culture" is more affordable, but it makes people feel that the bitter taste is more intense.


Talk about the hatred of the Taoist priest. The Taoist Tarako of the blue brick and yellow mud is just an ordinary Buddhist place. However, when the priest excavated a permanent learning cave, it was no longer ordinary.The priests have also become the "concubine" of the nobles of the official officials. The ancient cultural relics of the Taoist priests are used in the ancient cultural relics of Chinese in the greeted by Grandma. Their innocence has gradually been discredited.The king's smile, the ancient Chinese cultural relics were transported out of the border safely, and the priests and foreign friends grew.well!Sad!Teacher Yu Qiuyu's suffering, because of the cultural consciousness of ancient Chinese literati, the country, the people's consciousness, and the phenomenon of all kinds of distressingness appeared in front of her eyes but could not help it.


Perhaps I was happier than Teacher Yu Qiuyu, and did not witness all kinds of bitterness and blood and tears that had been passing by.I didn't feel my heart, and I fell into a faint loneliness, and for a long time.Maybe Teacher Yu Qiuyu learned that we want to appreciate his "bitterness", but we can't be suffering with it, but just "loneliness", I am afraid that his "bitterness" will be even better.


Perhaps many experts and scholars in historical circles have once relentlessly pointed out the various leaks that do not match the historical facts in Teacher Yu Qiuyu's works, but it is still not possible. Literature is different from history. After allThe intoxicated fragrance is not only to readers, to the cultural world, but also to the majority of the Chinese people.This is enough, isn't it?


As a high school student, I followed the footprint of Teacher Yu Qiuyu, walking in the loneliness, hovering, and stinging. The last journey also reached the terminal.Mowing

文化苦旅读后感 篇6


If we do not traverse the world, we do n’t know what our emotional sustenance is; without this feast of the soul, we ca n’t understand everything around us.May I be your old friend, without tears without burden, just accompany it.




"The vase was knocked open by the fan, and the whip grass was withered in the bottle. This blow was just touched, silent, no one heard it." I once stared at the culture, but it was gloomy and far away as autumn water, and suddenly it passed by.The gap, the rain settled, no news.The unexpected encounter with "Cultural Bitter" must be revealed by accident, and accidental is exactly.


This book relies on the true meaning of the life of the cultural soul by virtue of the landscape.Yu Qiuyu is a master -level prose writer, but he has a very high spirit of exploration. He rolled over the mountains and led the readers to think deeply about China's deep culture.The national consciousness and national emotions of the Chinese people, even for the first time in contact with this book, can not help but be convinced by its deep cultural heritage.


The fate of the cup is chilling; when you walk into the temple, the transformation of culture brings expectations; feels the essence of integrity to be thoughtful.


Culture is the soul of the nation and an oasis in the desert.The strong origin of a nation comes from the inheritance of culture, and after thousands of years of China, it is a cultural power outside, and in fact our politeness is falling and lost.Material politeness and spiritual politeness are mutually supporting and depending on each other.If it is obsessed with the surface, it is a bit ridiculous.Maybe I really should go out.In the pace of growth, that culture was hidden in the soil, buried in the ruins, waiting for the pioneers to have tears with tears and erase the soil on the old book.


Who is it and is supporting Chinese culture?In the era of prosperity, everyone chased the name and brought a mask, and could not see what they were thinking.All the way all the way through the way, I found that I was still at the original point.Our self -worth gradually disappeared into the clouds of history.Naive people, hurry up and find a way for Chinese culture.You may be able to prepare gorgeous coats with ignorance, deviate from the track of culture, and sing an immortal with a scene.Or let go of the desire to let go, just sit quietly, taste a cup of tea, carry the parcels on the back, shout for the inheritance of culture, blame, and find an exact goal for Chinese culture.


Cultural bitter travel, it is better to say the soul feast.The soul that travels is no longer looking back."Perseverance, thousands of miles away."


Those who do not have deep traditional cultural precipitation are not an excellent person.How can you be an ascetic monk on a cultural road?Su Xin Ruo Zen, smiling with a smile.

文化苦旅读后感 篇7


The newly edited "Cultural Hitter" consists of three parts: ancient Chinese spiritual civilization, the comparison of Chinese and Western culture and the obstacles of culture in modern China.The latter parts are from "One Millennium", "A Pedestrian", and "My Family History" of Teacher Yu Qiuyu.Because the three parts of writing are different, the writing and content are large.


In terms of literary nature, when I first read it, I felt that the text and the words were beautiful, but too much stacking seemed a little greasy, especially the last paragraph of "Heavenly Man Dialogue", which was very beautiful but a little superfluous.I want to recommend the first part of the cultural bitter brigade (to the "Wind and Rainy Pavilion") to the students who are about to the college entrance examination, which will greatly help the text of the exam.


In terms of content, this book has brought me a lot of inspiration in culture.Some of the advanced views in the book have been confirmed now.I came to traditional culture, but this book also made me realize that the severe situation faced in today's society and culture.The "Torii" and "Temple" in the former "Cultural Travel" let us see how culture is roughly passed down through the washing of time; "Taoist Tower" makes people feel the heartache of theft of cultural relics;"Guan Xue" "Ning Gutta" reflects the tenacity and blood of the Chinese nation.But now, some literati and media as a cultural communication medium seem to be unable to recognize their duties and make cultural communication taste.The essence was slowly forgotten, but the bad ones were partially retained.What is the difference between this subtle influence of boiled frogs and frogs in warm water?


In addition to cultural thinking, I also got some other feelings from the second and third parts of this book.For example: What is the role of the media?Is it a bridge that sets up public opinion to increase attention or truthful reporting to communicate?Also, what is freedom of speech?Are some remarks that have not been verified and endangered by others?For another example, in the social environment, do you follow the society in response to the society or maintain a scale in your heart to be yourself?


Generally speaking, the first part allows people to understand Chinese traditional culture and spirit from all aspects; the second part of the sublimation culture understands the particularity of its own culture through the comparison with other countries; the third part leads to the hotspot of modern society's debate through culture.Recommended friends who want to make cultural influence read the first and second parts; friends who are recommended to think in depth to read the second and third parts.Choosing should be cautious, the more you are tired, and your brain is tired.

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